Is Muscimol a Psychedelic?
For most people, the red in white dots mushroom cap is associated with danger and poison. But recent research in biochemistry and pharmacology may turn amanita from enemies into our friends. The therapeutic and recreational properties of these fungi cause more and more debate. So, is amanita muscaria a psychedelic mushroom? Let's find out.
In this article, we will tell you about muscimol, a substance that is a top discussion topic among modern pharmacologists and natural medicine supporters.
What is muscimol?
Muscimol is a chemical substance, one of the main psychoactive molecules in mushrooms, related to Amanita muscaria. You can also be familiar with other names for this molecule: agarin or pantherine.
This molecule is an agonist (an activator) of the GABA receptor. It means that muscimol can activate it instead of GABA itself. Signaling pathways involving GABA control many functions of our bodies, including mood, sleep cycles, and anxiety management.
Therapeutic effect of muscimol
Some cultures discovered therapeutic properties of Amanita mushrooms ages ago. Due to its effect on GABA receptors, the muscimol molecule can improve the functioning of the nervous system and potentially help in cases where the nervous system is overwhelmed.
Some interesting early phase clinical studies have been published over the past few years. It was reported that muscimol has strong potential for the following effects:
1. Managing anxiety
It has been shown that this substance can effectively relieve anxiety and reduce stress levels.
2. Reducing inflammation
Muscimol has been shown to be effective in diseases with generalized inflammation, such as atopic dermatitis.
3. Pain reduction
Animal studies have shown muscimol to be effective in neuropathic and inflammatory pain.
4. Improvement of brain functions
The use of Amanita extracts can be effective in Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases.
5. Sleep improvement
Since muscimol activates GABA signaling pathways, people mostly experience relaxation and report sleep improvement.
Overall, muscimol is recognized as a generally safe substance that is well tolerated by most people. Its fascinating potential therapeutic effects are an important reason for the growing number of clinical trials.
How muscinol influence the human brain?
Muscimol can cause sedative, hypnotic, depressant, and hallucinogenic effects in the brain.
Scientists assume that the effect of muscimol is similar to the drug zolpidem, which is also a GABA receptor agonist.
Is muscimol a hallucinogen?
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, so it usually reduces nervous system activity and has a calming effect. In certain doses, it can cause changes in sensations.
However, its effect is quite different from the effect of psilocybin, which is the active component of magic mushrooms. Muscimol mainly has a psychoactive effect like mood changes, and its hallucinogenic effects are less pronounced. Nevertheless, high doses of muscimol can cause changes in sensory systems, including hearing, vision, touch, and taste perception.
Does muscimol cause hallucinations?
Is amanita muscaria a psychedelic? In general, muscimol can cause hallucinations, but its main effect is sedative. The hallucinating effect that muscimol has is weaker than typical hallucinogens.
Is muscimol similar to traditional psychedelics?
Although muscimol has certain hallucinogenic effects, it is actually not a traditional psychedelic like psilocybin. It has a way more mild and stable effect on the nervous system, and it is easier to control.
Of course, a lot depends on individual sensitivity. It is important to be careful when selecting the dose and preferably consult specialists.
Currently, muscimol is a substance that arouses the interest of scientists and doctors from all over the world for good reason. The search for new safe and natural methods to fight such significant problems as anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain is certainly important and worthwhile.